Archive Mode. Call June - July | 9th Annual PleinAir Salon ended on 7/31/19, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

June - July | 9th Annual PleinAir Salon

Here are the submissions for the June/July cycle of the 9th Annual Plein Air Salon. Winners were selected by our judge, Michele Ward of Principle Gallery.

All Categories

Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field
Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

End of the Road in Tuscany
End of the Road in Tuscany
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

Summer Storms on Lake Chemung
Summer Storms on Lake Chemung
Jerome Quenneville

City: Hurricane
State: UT

Snow Canyon Evening
Snow Canyon Evening
Jerome Quenneville

City: Hurricane
State: UT

Leiper's Fork Log Cabin
Leiper's Fork Log Cabin
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

Sweet Barn Alabama
Sweet Barn Alabama
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

Wildflowers Above the Rock Wall
Wildflowers Above the Rock Wall
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

At the End of a Road in Tuscany
At the End of a Road in Tuscany
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

Sweet Barn Alabama
Sweet Barn Alabama
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field
Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field
Carol Johnston

City: Franklin
State: TN

Spring on Lake Pleasent
Spring on Lake Pleasent
Jerome Quenneville

City: Hurricane
State: UT

Christopher Cape

City: Guelph
State: Ontario

The Origins of Mysticism
The Origins of Mysticism
Christopher Cape

City: Guelph
State: Ontario

Shady spot with a view
Shady spot with a view
Angela Hansen

City: Citronelle
State: AL

Happy Little Clouds
Happy Little Clouds
Angela Hansen

City: Citronelle
State: AL

Rainy Plein Air in Fabriano
Rainy Plein Air in Fabriano
Carlos Gonzalo Cid Quiroga

City: San Antonio de Padua
State: Buenos Aires

A Blustery Day
A Blustery Day
Lynne Fearman

City: Sierra Madre
State: CA

Spring has Sprung
Spring has Sprung
Lynne Fearman

City: Sierra Madre
State: CA

"Summer Pasture"    PLEIN AIR
"Summer Pasture" PLEIN AIR
Karen Thiel

City: Livingston
State: Montana

"Springtime in the Rockies"
"Springtime in the Rockies"
Karen Thiel

City: Livingston
State: Montana

Page 6 of 54, showing 20 records out of 1,077 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120